The Aquatrainer is a product of the successful range of Columbus treadmills for horses. It allows to make horses move within the scope of a therapy without charging them, while observing their movements. Movement in the water is unexcelled with regard to the training of muscles and fitness. Indeed, the force of gravity is almost neutralized by the water and the muscles and joints thus are not loaded with the full weight.
Water offers a soft resistance to increase the power. Such resistance is increased by faster movements, so that the natural load is further increased. The Aquatrainer can be filled with water individually for each horse up to a height of 1.20 m. Our Aquatrainer is used for rehabilitation purposes and for supporting the training of competition/race horses and horses for leisure riding.
Quality and safety have always first priority at Columbus and for this reason a light barrier stops the belt when the horse falls and immediately empties the water bassin.
We take over the supply and assembly of all aquatrainer systems.