
The saddle holder from steel, a hobby of this manufacturer. Functionality and simplicity are of utmost importance. This saddle holder is a must for everyone, who would like to protect his or her precious saddle from damages during transport. It is also suitable to be attached to the trailer during a competition. This product also fits smoothly in our tack room ensembles. With one look you see a neatly arranged tack room.


This saddle cart manufactured from oak or mahagoni is a tool box, grooming box and saddle cart in one. Your equipment cannot only be rolled with ease from A to B, but also captivates with practibility and details, such as the swivelling top, with which you can maintain and deseam your saddle easily, also from below. The arrangement of the drawers and the dimensions can be individually designed.

The high-quality design and noble looking tack room cabinets of Columbus stand for exclusivity and ambience. A must-have for each tack room and the correct storage for your sophisticated riding equipment.


Or you look for individually designed horse equipment, such as wooden bridle, crop, whip or helmet holders.

Due to some innovative and creative ideas, our furniture stands for beauty and style, in addition, for security, clarity and user friendliness.


We take over the supply and assembly of all materials. 

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